Temporary position filling

Flexible temporary position filling services all across Finland

Why choose temporary position filling services?

Filling temporary positions is an essential part of the flexible functioning of an organisation. Workforce needs can fluctuate for a variety of reasons, such as sick leave, holidays or project peaks. At Smart Workers, we provide a fast and reliable solution to all your temporary staffing needs, ensuring that your business continues to operate without interruption.

Temporary position filling: A puzzle with one piece missing
Temporary position filling: Professional looking woman

This is how Smart Workers fills temporary positions

  1. Needs assessment: we will identify your specific needs and the requirements of the replacement.
  2. Selecting the right person: we will draw on our extensive pool of jobseekers and select the best person for the job.
  3. Quick placement: the replacement starts work as quickly as possible, often on the same day.
  4. Continuous support: we ensure that everything runs smoothly throughout the placement.

Substitute service for all fields

Whether it’s office work, construction, the healthcare sector or even IT, we have the right people for every need. Thanks to our extensive network of employees, we can provide you with the right professionals for temporary assignments who can adapt quickly to new working environments and requirements.

Specialized solutions

Our recruitment service is not just a fast labour supply, we also take into account your specific needs. We map out your exact requirements, such as the skills needed, work schedules and cultural compatibility factors, to make your recruitment as successful as possible.

Temporary position filling: Man talking on the phone at a desk
Temporary position filling: A new employee being shown around the office

Temporary position filling helps when:

  • A worker falls ill suddenly.
  • The organisation faces unexpected peaks in demand.
  • Holidays, family leave or other absences pose challenges.
  • Specialised skills are needed at short notice.

Advantages of filling temporary positions

  • Flexibility: the ability to respond quickly to workforce needs without lengthy recruitment processes.
  • Time saving: we take care of finding a replacement so you can focus on core business areas.
  • Risk management: we retain the administrative obligations associated with the employment relationship.
  • High quality: we make sure our replacements are the best at what they do.
Sijaisuuksien Täyttämispalvelut - Sijaiselle esitellään työtiloja

Contact us and ensure your temporary positions are filled

We are happy to tell you more about our service. Working together, we can ensure the continuity and high quality of your business in all situations.

Send us your
contact info

Contact us today so we can find the right HR solutions for your business.

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